The world is turning to fewer, stronger brands that provide real meaning for their audiences. At Lippincott, we call these Go-to Brands. Regardless of where you’re starting from, we’d love to help you get there.
With experience across brands in every imaginable sector, we help clients create real meaning for their customers and reach their full potential.
Go-to Brands
Grounded in a global study of over 500 brands, Go-to Brands uncovers the key drivers for brand performance and resilience in disruptive times. Explore the new standard for building a winning brand.
Brand Aperture
If Go-to Brands work differently and are created and managed differently, then we’ve got to change how we measure them, too. That’s why we created Brand Aperture® — a suite of intuitive tools specifically tailored to the task of building and sustaining Go-to Brands.